I grew up in Hubbard, Iowa, not far from Boone (although I haven't heard of Paton). We had both Ellers and Heinekings in our town and I can't help but wonder if there is a relationship?

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It seems likely, doesn't it? From the research I did, it looks like part of the family remained in Illinois and a portion of the family settled in an around Paton and Boone.

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How lovely to have such an old postcard. It is interesting that the US Post Office had such a great service delivering to rural homes for free, reducing their isolation. I would love to send more ‘real mail’ but the cost of the stamps as well as the cards is prohibitive.

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The price of stamps in the US hasen't shown on the stamp for so long I didn't even remember how much it was. Sadly, even with the price continually rising, the agency itself is being hobbled from the top. Closings, equipment removal, and 'cost-cutting' are making the work much more difficult and decreasing the efficiency and reliability the USPS once had.

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